Monday, September 30, 2013
La Obra Misional
Callie Horton (
Mon 9/30/13 9:13 AM
Hiya Family!!
First off, got my loan
deferred. But it sounds like it might only be for 12 months so I might have to
call again right at the end of my mission, but I will definitley not remember
so you'll have to remind me! Hopefully someone can remember. I feel like so much
happened this week! I tried to write down the stuff I remembered this morning.
I forgot to tell you
last week! Last Saturday we got to help out at a 5K called ReeseStrong and it
was SO much fun! We got to help out with the kids at the giant blow up slide.
They had this little kids race and it was so funny. A bunch of kids tripped
right at the starting line, another kid was having a mental break down and
dragging on his mom's leg, and it was just so great. Lots of good laughs. Made
me miss doing 10Ks with the fam. Speaking of which before I forget, we better
be doing the Butch Cassidy 10K next year! Especially because of the lack of
participation from our family in recent years. It shall be done! But anyways,
some lady was taking pictures and she took one of us and some other
missionaries so I don't know if there is a website for it that you could look
it up or something.
Last P day we went to
this BEAUTIFUL park called Maymont Park! It was way fun! We went with the other
Sister missionaries in our ward and this sweet little lady from our ward. I
will send pictures! It reminded me of the Butchard Gardens. Not quite as big,
but definitely beautiful!
I found evidence from a
robbery on Saturday morning! Pretty intense stuff. We were running and as we were
coming up to our house, I noticed something behind the back wheel of our tire.
Turns out it was a laptop! We were super confused, so we just took it inside
with us and decided we would do something with it later. A couple hours later
we looked outside and saw all of these cops with gloves on and bags of evidence
(I think). We kind of wondered what was going on, but we didn't think too much
of it. Later I looked out the window again and there were more cops and at a
different car! It then clicked in my brain where the laptop came from! So we
went and gave it to one of the cops and it turns out it was one of things they
were looking for! Why they put it behind our car for us to eventually run over,
we are not sure of. But our finger prints are all over it so they said that
they might have to take our finger prints. It was so exciting!
The Relief Society
broadcast on Saturday was AMAZING! I loved it all! It is so different looking
at the prophet after having taught and testified about him. I hadn't realized
how strong my testimony of prophets was until that night. I was just tearing up
when he came on the screen because I know of his power and the things that he
does. He really is so amazing. I especially loved all of the things that he was
saying about God's love for us. That is something that I have learned so much
about lately and it just made my testimony grow even more. It was also cool to
think about hearing the same words at the same time as mom, and my
sisters, and my friends that are all around serving
missions. Gah I can't wait for General Conference!!
Filiberto came to
church!! It was the primary program and he was just loving it. He had to leave
after sacrament meeting but it was so good to have him there if only for a part
of it. He's just the greatest little amigo. He already believes that the Book
of Mormon is true and we have just started teaching him.
Our investigator Ever is
also doing really well! Last week we went over and he played his guitar while
singing Guatemalan Hymns to us. I was dying! I am getting so much exposure to
Guatemalan stuff and it is just so great. I do hope to one day visit Guatemala
The Matamoroses are
getting baptized on Saturday!!!! Its finally happening!! Thats the family in my
last area in case you don't remember. I was soooo excited when I found out!! I
can't wait to go! I'll send pictures next week!
And I will now end with
a scripture that I have come to love so much. Philippians 4:13. Short, sweet,
and powerful. Nothing better. I hope you all have a great week!! I love you all
so much!!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Called to serve Him!!
Callie Horton (
Mon 9/23/13 9:00 AM
First off I just want to
say that being a missionary is so great! It is by far the hardest thing I've
ever done, but it is also the most rewarding and the best thing I've ever done!
I'm am just so extremely blessed! Our mission president gave us all these
packets at the beginning of September and its called "Our Gift to
Christ" and it has been really cool! For the next 3 months we have
themes. This month is Sacrifice September. He put talks from general authorites
about sacrifice and he just put some good stuff in there! So I have been
thinking a lot about sacrifice. A mission is a big sacrifice. But the more and
more that I go, it seems so much more as a blessing than a sacrifice. Mission
life is hard, but its because of the growth that is taking place. Its kinda
like growing pains. And it is all so worth it! We NEED to sacrifice for Christ.
He has asked us to. It is a part of our mortal lives. So my mission is one of
my gifts to Christ because I love Him and I know that what I am doing right now
is so important not only for others, but for me too.
So this week was a
success!! We had our first investigator at church yesterday!!! It was so so
exciting! But we were also kinda freaking out. It was our investigator
Veronica, who is possibly the cutest, sweetest lady I've ever met. We called
her yesterday morning to remind her about church and she said she was coming!!
So after ward council we decided to wait outside for her. We were standing
there and all of the sudden we see her drive by, but then we see her turn
around so we thought that everything was ok. Then she passes us again and pulls
into the baptist church across the street. We were not about to let that
happen, so we give her a call and tell her to come to the other side, but we
aren't exactly sure if we said that right in Spanish. So she starts driving the
opposite way down the street! But then she turns around and starts driving
towards the church and Hermana Olsen says, "I'm not letting her go
home." So she runs to the corner of the entrance to the church and starts
jumping up and down and yelling, "Hermana!!!" As she drives by
once again. This time she saw! We were laughing so hard for a good while. So
she finally made it to church! We find out that she actually can understand
most English just not speak it which was a good comfort for us since we didn't
really know how we were going to translate for her. The ward was SO nice and SO
amazing! They all just welcomed her and were just so nice to her. And after she
was talking about how she went to another church with her friend one time and
she didn't feel comfortable there, but she said she felt very comfortable at
our church. Which was amazing considering she can't even speak the language of
these people! The Spirit was there and she was feeling it.
We have starting
teaching this boy named Ever who is so awesome! He seriously has a testimony
already! He loves meeting with us and also has chairs and stuff set up when we
come over. Its great. He has such a huge love for God and wants to learn more
of Him. We have only taught him twice, but he has been keeping his commitments
so hopefully things will continue to progress with him!
Our investigators here
are SO awesome. The work here seriously progesses more and more each week.
I am so grateful for be here in creating the foundation in this area! It has
been one of the coolest things to watch. Opening an area is hard, but I have
learned so much! My Spanish is getting better, my teaching is getting better,
and I am just becoming a better missionary. This situation with my companions
and everything has helped my Spanish SO much! Learning a language is SOOOO
hard, but I am so glad that I can be learning Spanish.
I hope you all have a
fantastic week! Remember that I love you so much!!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Nuts and Bolts of Mechanicsville
Callie Horton (
Mon 9/16/13 10:04 AM
Hola a todos!
This week was SO fast!
So much happened and yet it is just one giant blur so I will do my best to fill
your lives with the many wonderful experiences of last week! First off, the
weather has been AMAZING these last couple days. It reminded me a lot of Utah
at the beginning of fall. Probably because there was like no humidity. It was
We had a very successful
walk and talk last saturday! We found a gold mine of Hispanics! We couldn't
believe our eyes! We went to this place where we knew a Hispanic family lived and
we started to knock. Before we knew it they were all over the place! We would
be talking to one and like 5 would walk past! For this area, that was a
miracle! We found lots of people and have lots of lessons set up. This was
again in Ashland which is like a 20 or 25 minute drive so we have "Ashland
days" which makes it hard, but we know that it will work out!
Also, Osbel is amazing!
He told 2 of his friends about us and how we are teaching him English too. So
yesterday morning we had a lesson with him and his friends and it was awesome!
The coolest part about it was that one of them was this referral that they got
forever ago so we have been trying to contact him since before I got here! We
didn't have a number for him and he was never home and it ended up being the
same guy! We couldn't believe it. We KNOW that he needs to hear the gospel.
There is no way that he would have landed in our laps like that if he wasn't
meant to be taught this gospel at this time. They are all really smart! One of
them kept talking about how he was a Michael Jordan fan. We all super enjoyed
that. The night before our lesson we went into this Mexican restaurant to hang
up an english poster and we went in and started speaking spanish and the looks
on peoples faces when they saw 3 white girls speaking spanish was so great! All
of the workers there were Hispanic and they all just started appearing out of
no where to see us speak spanish haha. And turns out that Filiberto (the one
we've been trying to contact for forever) was one of those people! He was
talking about how he saw us and how everyone was so amazed by the 3 white girls
speaking spanish haha. We felt pretty good about ourselves.
We had Sisters Meeting
last Tuesday which was really fun! We learned a lot about finding our strengths
which was really good because sometimes it seems like my weaknesses are just
shining through like none other! But we all have our strengths and we need to
work at improving them. The first step though is to find them so I have been
working a lot lately at finding my strengths and talents and improving
them! It was a really great meeting. President Wilson was talking a lot
about how we need to know that we are amazing. He said something that was
really awesome. He said, "If only you could look at yourselves through
Heavenly Father's mirror." Heavenly Father loves us SO much and He thinks
that we are just so amazing even on our worse days. I have learned so much
about what being a child of God really means. Once we have that knowledge and really
think about it, I think it really effects the way we act and think about
I am just so grateful
for the opportunity to be a missionary, but holy cow the time is going by SO
fast! Someone asked me the other day how much time I had left and I like
couldn't even believe it!! I know that this time is so precious and that I need
to work as hard as I can so that I don't go home with any regrets. I am
so extremely grateful for the person that my mission is helping me to become.
What a great time this is!
I hope you all have a
wonderful week! Remember that I love you!!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Hard work pays off!
Callie Horton (
Mon 9/09/13 9:27 AM
Dear wonderful people of
my life,
I know that it has not
been long since you have recieved an email from me, but so much has happened!
Since last Wednesday when I emailed you all, we now have 3 progressing
investigators! This is the most up to this point that Mechanicsville has ever
seen! Last week we worked HARD. We had to do a lot of ground work, which was
very helpful, but we also were able to get in a lot of lessons! Our progessing
investigators are Osbel, Sebastiana, and Veronica. All AMAZING people! You
wanna know why? Because they are reading the most precious and wonderful Book
of Mormon!
Last Friday, we had the
most amazing restoration lesson ever. It was with Veronica and a new
investigator Claudia. The Spirit was so strong, our spanish was amazing, and
they just got it! Claudia basically perfectly described back to us why Joseph
Smith prayed to God after he read in James 1:5. They had lots of good questions
and it was just so powerful! We were like on cloud 9 after that lesson! And
then we spent the long drive home from Ashland talking about how much we loved
being missionaries, and how its experiences like those that make the hard times
worth it. I decided that being a missionary is like having a baby (not that I
would know what that's like) but it seems like nothing but painful and yet
every mother says, "Oh but you don't remember the pain because having the
baby is so wonderful." There is a lot about missionary work that is really
hard, but the amazing experiences are just SO amazing that it overpowers the
hard experiences. I'll let you know if I think the same thing after I actually
have a baby.
So I spoke in the ward
yesterday! We got a call Saturday night from a distressed bishopric counselor
who was needing some speakers so all the Sisters and us spoke yesterday. It was
great! I really do love speaking in front of people for some reason. Now in
Spanish, that's a different story. But it was in English so it was great! Our
ward is really so amazing. Especially now that I know them better! It makes me
miss the amazing ward back home, because I feel love similar to the way I did
there. I am very grateful for this ward and their amazingness!
On Saturday we were
doing walk and talk around all of there stores like Target and Home Depot and
places like that. When we went into Home Depot this worker came up to us and
asked if we needed any help, she then preceded to ask us what church we were
from. After we told her she said, "YES! JESUS ROCKS!" It pretty much
completed our day after a very unsuccessful walk and talk. It wasn't completely
unsuccessful though! We ran into this lady who lives in a ward that our area
covers and after talking with her for a couple minutes, we find out that
because of her husbands job he knows where all of the Spanish hot spots are! So
we got some goods from her.
Thank you so much for
all of your love and support! I am so lucky to have the friends and the family
that I have. I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow as a
missionary. OH! I almost forgot! I realized the other day that I am already 1/4
of the way through my mission!! My how time flies! Take care everyone! I love
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
P.S. 2 Nephi 22:2. Look
it up. One of my new favorites.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Mechanicsville, here I come!
Callie Horton ( .
Wed 9/04/13 1:22 PM
Sorry that the email is
a little late! It was already sad enough that we had to wait an extra day to
email and then yesterday the internet was down at all of the libraries that are
around us! Twas a sad day. But never fear! The email is here!
So I got transferred to
Mechanicsville! It was a very sad phone call when they told me that I was being
transferred because I love absolutely everything about that area, but I knew it
was right. And I love it here! My new companions are Hermana Olsen (Who is
waiting for her visa to Argentina) and Hermana Bingham (Mom, that's the one
girl that you were talking about!) They are awesome! They have both been out
for 6 weeks. Yep that's right, I am training them! When I found out that I
would be finishing their training I was pretty stressed out. And when I say
"pretty" I mean really. But I got a blessing and I felt nothing but
peace. I knew that everything would be ok. The stress was completely gone!
Hermana Chambers and I had a sad parting, but I am so extremely grateful to be
here in the little town of Mechanicsville! And Hermana Bingham and Hermana
Olsen are AWESOME! They are WAY more advanced than I was at 6 weeks which I am
so incredibly grateful for! We are really excited to learn and grow together!
We are also in an english ward which is SUPER different. We got to church on
Sunday and I realized that I don't know how to act around white people anymore
unless they're my companions or other missionaries. But it is such an amazing
ward! They are so pumped about missionary work! It really is sooo incredible.
And they feed us a lot! Its delicious and brings joy and fat to my belly. It
was really nice to not have a headache after church as well. I am very grateful
for this ward! There are 7 missionaries in this ward and basically everyone on
Sunday bore their testimony aobut how pumped they were about all of us. It was
so great. There are a lot less Hispanics in this area. This area was actually
only opened last transfer so we don't have a whole lot to work from, but we are
excited to make it an area with lots of Spanish lessons to teach! Also, I live
in a little blue town house. Looks like the cute little blue places are the way
for me.
I am so extremely
grateful for the faith of the people in Virginia! Last Monday we taught our
dear sweet Elba. She told us how she lost her job because she told them that
she wouldn't work on Sundays anymore, it is pretty hard for her, but she knows
that the Lord will bless her and help her out. I have never seen such a change
so fast in someone before! She just gets it. She knows that this gospel is
important and she is willing to sacrifice for it. It is so amazing!
In Mechanicsville, we
are teaching a man named Osbel. He is trying to learn English so we kind of
teach him in Spanglish. He is awesome! We watched the Restoration DVD with him
and after he asked, "How can I know for myself that this is true?"
Who even asks that? He is golden! And later he asked us to bare our testimonies
which was such a good experience. He just kept expressing gratitude that we
were teaching him, even though it originally started out as just English
I am very grateful to be
here in cute little Mechanicsville! I know that this is where the Lord needs me
right now. As sad as it was to leave Midlothian, being here just feels so
right! I love being a missionary. I love the feeling of getting lost in the
work. And this is a saying that is becoming true for me, "When lose
yourself in the work, that's when you truly find yourself."
I love you all! Have a fantastic
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
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