Callie Horton (callie.horton@myldsmail
Mon 11/25/13 9:01 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I can't believe it will be thanksgiving this week! The
weather before yesterday has been pretty great so it didn't even seem like the
holiday season should be beginning, but yesterday it definitely started to feel
like it. It was sooo cold! Holy smokes! The cold here is different... Straight
to the bones it goes. But my snazzy coat is helping me to stay warm! If anyone
is feeling super generous this season, send me hand and feet warmers por favor.
We had a great week! Lots of new investigators! We had
kind of been lacking in the new investigators department lately so this week we
did a lot of finding and had 5 new investigators! It was great. We just met
some really great people this week! One of the people we are now teaching is
this guy named Enrique. He is so cool! We have already have a couple lessons
with him and he is keeping all of his commitments and doing even more than we
ask him! He agreed to be baptized once he knows more, so hopefully we will be
able to get him on date soon!
The Lord always has a plan. I am so grateful for that. We
just need to follow that plan. This week we went to have a lesson with someone
and they weren't home. But there was this lady that was sitting at a table in
front of her trailer across the street and Hermana Bingham felt that we
should go talk to her, even though she wasn't Hispanic. Turns out this lady is
having a really hard time right now. She was just crying the whole time and was
just like, "You are the angels that I needed today!" This lady is
amazing! She is having such a hard time right now and yet she is always trying
to help out other people, even if it means making huge sacrifices. She was
definitely an example to me! She didn't want to commit to having missionaries
come teach her, but we told her we might send some by. I have faith that this
message will touch her life and she will be baptized! If not, she has a huge
heart and a huge love for God. I am sure that this message will be something
that she will accept in the next life! I am so grateful for my amazing
companion and the guidance of the Lord!
We had stake conference this weekend and it was soo good!
In the adult session we talked about the hastening of the work. President
Wilson spoke and he reminded us to not forget the whole sentence:
"Hastening the work of salvation." He shared what the definition of
hasten is: to excelerate; make something go faster. That is exactly what we are
all doing! It is a part of our purpose in life. I hope that I can go back and
be a good member missionary. I am not here to serve the Lord for just 18
months. I am here to serve Him and preach His gospel for the rest of my life. I
hope to one day be like Grandpa Poulsen! Haha what a guy. Thanking all the
Hispanics for the Book of Mormon and always giving one to random people!
The next day in the adult session, President Wilson
talked again and he talked about what has become one of my all time favorite
stories in the scriptures! He talked about John 21 when Jesus tells his
disciples to put the net on the other side of the boat and then they have so
much fish that they can't even cast in the net. But that's not my favorite
part. I love verse 9 I think it is. So before this, they don't know that it is
the Lord that is talking to them from the shore, but then one of the disciples
tells Peter that it is the Lord. Now this is my favorite part in verse 9 when
it talks about how after Peter heard that that, he cast himself in the water.
Peter loved the Lord so much that he couldn't wait for the boat to go to the
shore. He threw himself into the water and swam to Him. Peter's love for the
Savior is such an example to me! I hope to be the kind of person that when I
see the Lord, I will be so excited to see Him that I won't be able to wait
until the boat gets to Him. I will throw myself in the water and swim to Him! I
will work my whole life to have love for the Lord like Peter did. I love the
Lord so much and I know that I need to show it even more.
I hope that you all have an amazing Thanksgiving and get
really fat! Eat lots of stuffing in honor of me. I love you all so much! Have
the best week ever!!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.