Last one from the MTC!
Thu 5/30/13 4:32 PM
Hi family!
How are ya'll doing??
Everything is wonderful here in the MTC! I have had a really really good week!
My district has grown really close this past week so it will be hard to say
goodbye to my MTC family, but I am very grateful for the experience that we have
been able to have together! Time is flyin! I can't believe I'll be in Virginia
so soon! Its so exciting but so intense! My Spanish is no where near ready to
help save people's salvation, but I know I have the Lord on my side so
hopefully a miracle will take place when I get out there! I can't wait to get
out in the field! I hear time gets even faster once you get into the field
which is hard to believe. I will be leaving Wednesday morning at like 7:28 so
get ready for a phone call bright and early in the morning! I'm not exactly
sure what time I will be calling at, but I'm guessing it will be some time
between 6 and 7. I have to be at the travel office at the MTC at 4!! Yuck. So
early. But esta bien! I will be flying to Atlanta Georgia first and then to Virginia.
They said I should arrive in Virginia a little after 4. I can't wait! And try
to have little Lillie awake and happy because I would love to talk to her as
well but I know how grumpy she is in the morning.
My companion and I had a
really cool experience yesterday. We have been teaching an
"investigator" named Jorge and we have been having a hard time
knowing what he needs to hear. Yesterday we were teaching him about the gift of
the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End. In the middle of teaching about enduring
to the end, I felt that I needed to let him know how much the Lord loves him
and that He knows him and is there for him. So that's what I did! It didn't
exactly seem to make sense with what I was talking about, but the Spirit was so
strong. After that, my companion felt that she should ask him if he has been
reading the Book of Mormon and we found out that he hadn't been. She was
telling him how he NEEDS to read it and she bore such a strong testimony about
it! It was awesome! Oh how I love being a missionary! I am so grateful to have
the Spirit so close with me so that I can get promptings in lessons, even if
they are to fake investigators.
We had a really good
devotional on Sunday. His name was Stephen B. Allen. He actually spoke my first
Sunday here and it was super funny and awesome! I was really excited to see
that he was speaking again. He got up and started talking and he was saying how
he had all these old Mormon messages to show us and it would have been funny
and such, but he said that the Spirit was telling him that he needed to talk
about something different but he wasn't sure what. So this guy is just going
completely on the Spirit! In the middle of his talk he all of the sudden says,
"Another prompting." He has the people pull up the Mo Tab singing
"Come Come Ye Saints". First he has us listen to it and then he has
us sing a long with it. He related the words to missionary work. I had no idea
how great this song was for a missionary! He let us know that "all is
well" and that the Lord did not send us on a mission to set us up for
failure. So "all is well" because we have the Lord helping us out.
Our devotional on
Tuesday was really good too! It was by W. Craig Zwick from the seventy and his
wife. His wife said, "If we can't feel His presence, we need to move
closer." If we aren't feeling the Spirit, we need to move closer to Him
instead of us expecting Him to move closer to us. Brother Zwick also talked
about developing Chirstlike attributes and how we need to give our whole souls
to the Lord. That is one of the biggest lessons I have learned since I have
been here! I am so grateful to serve the Lord for the next 17 months and that I
can grow closer to Him by giving my all to Him.
I hope all is well at
home! All is well here! I am very sad to say goodbye to my companion, so pray
that my next companion will be as amazing as she is! Thanks for all the treats
and love that you send! I appreciate it so much! And just because I'll be in
Virginia doesn't mean the love needs to stop! Oh! And tell Nick congrats!! Or
tell him to write me. Crissy is such a cute girl! Thanks for all that you
lovely people do!
I love and miss you all
so much! Te amo!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.