Thursday, May 9, 2013

Callie Horton ( sender is in your contact list.
Thu 5/09/13 4:03 PM

Hola familia!!

I hope all is well with you guys on the other side of the mountain!

This week has been wonderful of course! I have had so many miracles! One in particular was really cool! So at the end of last week I started to get really discouraged about the Spanish. I could barely understand anything and it was getting really discouraging. So on Sunday I fasted that I would be able to understand more of the language. And I promised Heavenly Father that I would work really hard if He would help me understand the language better. Monday morning came and it was a very tired and stressful morning. Later that day, I was obedient in a situation when it was not a popular move, if that makes sense. It was something so little, but I was still obedient. And later that day, Heavenly Father blessed me with the wonderful opportunity to participate in TRCs! Its this thing where members come in and speak Spanish and we're supposed to just get to know them and teach them a short lesson. They taught us so much more than we taught them! They were these cute old people that were just so full of the Spirit! They gave us great advice, brought the Spirit so much, and my Spanish was better than it had been since we got here! My companion and I just came out and hugged each other because we were just so grateful for the experience! Then the next day, I understood so much more of the Spanish! It was incredible! It was like night and day compared to how I was understanding it before! There is still so much that I don't understand, but I am able to get more of the idea of what they're saying. I am so grateful! We taught 2 "investigators" in one day and my Spanish had improved immensely! My Spanish grammar is horrible, but it works for now. My teacher even commented that she thought that I had improved so much this week! I'm one step closer to fulfilling my dream of being a Latin lover.

Another cool experience happened just yesterday. My companion had told me this story that she had had this friend who told her that when you're on a mission and you're trying to teach the lesson of the Restoration, there will always be some sort of distraction that comes up because Satan knows how powerful of a message it is and he doesn't want us to teach it. So yesterday, we were practicing our lesson for our "investigator" on the Restoration and my companion started to have a little breakdown and had no motivation to study for our lesson. We prayed that everything would work out and our lesson went great! We were ready for anything that would come our way to distract from us practicing teaching this wonderful message. My companion and I have also been working on some things to help us in our lessons and it has helped us to improve so much!

Last Sunday, I was called to be the Sister Training Leader in my zone! Some of you might know it as the Coordinating Sister, but they just recently changed the name of it. I'm pretty excited about it! And one of the Elders in my district got way sick this week and he had to go to quarantine so now we all have to take this stuff called Tamiflu for 10 days so that every in the MTC doesn't die from the influenza. I was pretty grateful because I was feeling a cold coming on, but since we've been taking it my cold has been going way so that's awesome! Today I did initiatories and sealings today for the first time and that was really great! Nothing else really happened this week. Just same ol' same ol'. I'm still having such a wonderful time! My companion is amazing and I am so grateful that I have her as my companion! I haven't seen Jordan yet here, but I did see Bre's roommate yesterday which was fun!

I miss you guys mucho and I love you so much! I hope all is well! Keep sending letters and packages! I love them so much!! Love you!

-Hermana Horton

P.S. Attached are some pictures! I can only do 3 at a time so they will be in a couple different emails.



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