Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm glad they called me on a mission!‏

Callie Horton ( This sender is in your contact list.
Mon 8/05/13 9:08 AM



I'm glad to hear that everyone had a great time on their little vacation! And I am sad that you guys are going to visit Lee and Lisa and Olive without me once again... Remember when you didn't take me last December? Yeah, that cut deep. Well I do still hope that you have lots of fun! And take pictures! 


I am now getting my first sickness out in the mission field. No bueno. Its really taking a lot out of me, so I am hoping that I will heal fast! Something exciting, they changed our email time in my mission to an hour and a half! We are all really grateful because an hour is surprisingly not enough now that we can email our friends and such. 


Wow I can't believe that time is flying so fast! This transfer is already half over this week! We are having such a good time and getting so much done right now so we are afraid that they will transfer us. I had my first interview with President Wilson last week and he asked me how I am liking the work and my companions and such, and I told him that I didn't want to tell him how much I was loving everything because then he would transfer me! He said he would rather keep me in the area, but I know that it is totally up to the Lord. But really though, I am loving life right now! This area really is the promised land for Spanish work. And my companions are soo amazing! We have a very nice balance of lots of fun, but also lots of hard work. It is wonderful!


Ana and her family are doing amazing! And another miracle with them, her daughter was living with her aunt and uncle, but she moved in with Ana last week. We found out that she was taking the missionary discussions before and she agreed to be baptized on the 24th with the rest of her family!! She is so cute and has such a strong testimony of Joseph Smith. She is so certain that this gospel is the right path for her. This family is so amazing! Seeing all of them together at church yesterday was so great. In gospel principles, we were talking about service and Ana expressed how grateful she is for the service that the missionaries are doing for her. She just expressed how much she loved us and I seriously had this out of body experience where I couldn't even believe that I was a part of this! It is so great to see how excited the Bishop of our ward is about this family. He is really stepping it up to help fellowship them. 


We also have our sweet investigator Elba set for baptism! I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned her before. When we asked her if she wanted to be baptized she said yes and asked if she could be baptized this Sunday! We told her that we had to get some things done and she also has to get some things worked out, but she is so excited to be baptized! Her baptism is currently set for Sept. 7. She is one of the sweetest people ever! 


Something funny that happened this week: We were in a lesson and my companion said that she was going to share a sinful scripture instead of a little scripture. And then my horrible curse of laughing when inappropriate came out. That was a good time. We have a lot of really funny moments so I will try to remember to share one each week!


I am so grateful to be a missionary! In my interview, President Wilson said that he can see a change in me just from the short time he's known me. He can tell that my love and desire for the work has grown so strong. I just realized that day how much I have grown because of my mission. This whole thing is such a huge blessing! I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time with so many of my friends. It really is a blessed time for missionary work. 


Well I hope that you all have a fabulous week! I love you sooo much!!!! 

And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.



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