Monday, January 27, 2014

Dedicated to the babe Elijah‏

Callie Horton (
Mon 1/27/14 9:24 AM


Congrats to Mike and Sashana on cute little baby Elijah!! He's pretty stinkin adorable. Be sure you tell him all the glorious legends of his favorite aunt so that he will know me by the time I return from my journey.


It snowed!!!!!!! There was a tiny snowfall a couple week ago but it was melted by like noon, but it snowed last Tuesday a lot! A lot for Virginia. Would be more like a light snow covering in Utah. But it was great! We were super excited about it! I never thought I would miss the snow, but I have. There is still a little on the ground, but it is mostly melted now. Virginians are funny. I love them. They freak out about snow and go and clear out all of the grocery stores of their milk and bread when they hear word that there might be a storm haha. Bless their hearts.


My poor companion had strep throat this past week so we were inside for most of the week, so not a whole lot happened, but that's alright. I was able to study a lot which was great and I just honestly learned a lot. We grew a lot as a companionship. I learned to serve her and love her more, which was something that I needed to learn to do. At first I was getting so caught up in that fact that we weren't out working, but then I decided to take a step back and see what I need to learn from what was happening. My eyes were definitely open. There are a lot of times in situations where I think we get caught up in what is happening that we don't see the real meaning for the thing that is happening. If we can just step back and see what God is trying to teach us, we will usually learn so much. We were able to go and teach Veronica on Saturday night and it was just so fabulous. We wanted to show her the talk by Elder Holland about the Book of Mormon, but after we tried for forever to get her DVD player working, we had to accept the fact that it just wasn't going to work. So I'm just kind of freaking out inside because we didn't know what we were going to teach her, and I'm just praying and praying that Heavenly Father will bless us with the words that we need to say. And He most definitely did! I just decided that I would go to my scriptures and share Moroni 10:3-5, but right as I'm about to open to it, I remember a scripture in Jacob chapter 4 about how one of the reasons for the writing of the Book of Mormon was so that their children can know their testimonies of Christ. We have talked so so much about the BOM with Veronica, but this was a different way to look at it. The amazing prophets that wrote the Book of Mormon were real people with real families, just like us. They wrote that book so that their children, and everybody after them, could know that they knew Christ and that they had a testimony of Him. And how great were their testimonies! Then we start to talk about how we can receive answers to the questions in our lives through the BOM. She had expressed to us a lot that she feels like she is not getting answers to her prayers. So then Hermana Pratt just whips out Moroni 7:12-13 where it talks about that every good thing comes from God and how if it inspires to do good, then it is of God. Veronica then started talking about how she felt differently when she talked to us then she did when she talked to people from other Church's. Slowly and surely she is starting to grasp the things that we are teaching a little bit better. We just hope and pray that she will be able to receive and witness that the things that we are teaching are true!


Enrique went to church yesterday for the first time!! He went to the Spanish branch/]. We had a lesson with Filiberto last night and he said that he met him and that he seemed to really like it! Speaking of Filiberto, he is doing so so great. We were talking about what we need to do to build a strong foundation in Christ. He told us how in church every week they pray for the people that didn't come. It did not make any sense to him why people wouldn't come to church! He just already knew that we need to make that decision before hand that when Sunday comes, we go to church. He also said that he is studying a lot about the priesthood so that he can be prepared to receive it. He's pretty stinkin great.


I hope you all have a super duper week!! Remember that I love you. I pray for you every day. Stay cool.


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.

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