Callie Horton
Tue 5/27/14 8:47 AM
Sad news, but
good news at the same time... We had to move Vanessa's baptismal date to June
14. She's pretty sad about it too. We had to move it because her dad is going
to be out of town for his work the next couple of weeks and that was the
soonest that we could do it. But it’s good because he definitely didn't want to
miss it and he wanted to be sure that the rest of her family could be there.
Even though she will be the only member of her family, she has received a lot
of family support which is awesome. She definitely needs all the support that
she can get! She is doing awesome as usual. We committed her to start reading
from the beginning of the Book of Mormon and we invited her to do it without
calling her grandma for help and I couldn't even believe how much she understood
by herself. Now that we have more time, we'll be able to help her solidify her
testimony even more.
We had this
amazing first lesson with this lady yesterday who was a referral from some
English Elders. Her heart was just so open and she was so ready to receive this
gospel in her life. She had been to church a couple of times before in
Mexico so she knew a little bit about the church before. It was one of the
greatest first lessons. Hermana McBride and I were just so overcome with the
Spirit during the lesson because it was so strong. And at the end of the lesson
we invited her to be baptized on July 12 and she then went on to tell us that
she was leaving for Mexico on Saturday for a couple of months... My heart
dropped... We were pretty sad to say the least. But it’s meant to be. Heavenly
Father has everything in His hands. She is just so prepared to receive these
things that I'm positive that the gospel will find its way back to her. And it
was great to be able to participate in such a great lesson.
We found this
trailer park that is a gold mine!! Well actually some other sisters found it
and they told us about it so we went and knocked some of it and it is
practically all Hispanics! We were so excited! There was just a great feeling
there. We have a bunch of appointments set up for tomorrow with people that
live there. The Lord has really been blessing us for our efforts lately. We've
been trying to be better at talking with everyone and we have had
lots to do and we have found a lot of potential investigators.
Have I told
you lately that the Church is true? Because it is. I know it is with all my
heart. I feel so inadequate to be out here sharing the most precious thing on
this earth, but I am sure glad that the Lord lets me do it. I hope you all have
a wonderful week! I love you!!
And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.