Monday, May 19, 2014

I love this stuff.
 Callie Horton (
Mon 5/19/14 12:00 PM

Mi querida familia,


Not a whole lot happened this week. A lot of our investigators are in a rut (spelling?) right now. We are trying to sharpen up our teaching pool right now. This last week was honestly way great though. It’s crazy how clear the vision of who I can become is. It’s never been clearer in my whole life. But it also hasn't seemed harder to achieve. But it’s supposed to be hard. I just want to work as hard as I can and become everything that I need to become in these months that I have left. I have been praying so hard to receive Heavenly Father's help in becoming who I need to become. He helped me to see so many ways that I can improve as a missionary. Sometimes it’s hard to see how many areas you have that are lacking, but He has also helped me to see some of my strengths. And with these new things that I have learned, I am excited to put them into action and become a better missionary. I have already tried to put them into action and then yesterday was just such a great day full of so much to do. I have really learned a lot lately about letting Heavenly Father completely take over. He is the Director and Guide of this great work. It’s not our work, it’s His work. And all of the glory of this work goes to Him. We are just the instruments that make it happen. I couldn't be more grateful to be a part of this stuff.


Vanessa is still doing wonderful! It is so fun right now because we are starting to put all of the details of her baptism together. I think she is more excited than we are and it’s just so cute. That girl amazes me! She made her family leave early from a family reunion so that she could be at church. I am just so grateful that she can already see how important it is to be at church. What a champ.


I have been thinking about the temple a lot this past week and I am just so grateful for it! In the last interview with President Wilson I was asking him how we could help our investigators progress past just the first couple lessons because there are just so many people that only have like 1 or 2 lessons and then they drop off the radar. He told me that we should make the temple their vision right at the start. Baptism is just the first step, but their real goal is the temple. It is with the temple that we can make the covenants that we need to be with our families for forever and to one day return to live with our loving Heavenly Father. And the temple is the closest thing that we have to heaven on this earth. We as members of the church are so lucky to have a place where we can feel so much joy and love no matter what is happening in our lives. Even though it has been hard on my mission to not attend the temple, it has helped me to appreciate it so much more.


Well I hope you have the best week ever!! I love you all!! The Church is true.


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


P.S. I'm pretty sure we're doing P day on Tuesday next week so that's when the email will come.  

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