Monday, June 30, 2014

Life is good. Mission life is better.

Life is good. Mission life is better.
 Callie Horton (
Mon 6/30/14 9:24 AM

Hey all you out there!


I hope you all had a great week! So it looks like my release date is going to be October 23. I just balled when I opened the email, but no big deal. It’s ok though, there's still lots of time. It just like got real for a second though. You guys are just planning on picking me up at the airport, right? 


This week was SO BUSY. Probably one of the busiest on my mission. It was so great! But I was so unbelievably tired yesterday. And then I got some weird bug in the middle of the night, but I'm doing a little better now. But we just had so much going on and every hour of the day. I also gave my first talk in a Spanish ward yesterday! I had given my testimony and said prayers and stuff in sacrament meeting in the Spanish ward before, but this was the first time that I gave a talk.


We found this awesome new investigator this week! Her name is Dinora. We taught her about the restoration in our lesson with her, and she loved it! And she agreed to be baptized! It was such a sweet experience to see how great she was for the message that we shared. She works at a bakery and she said that she's going to bring us a cake next time we come! Ha-ha. She was just the cutest thing. I always feel so blessed when we find investigators like that that are just so ready in the very first lesson.


And another tender mercy, I saw Veronica outside of our new investigators house! She was one of my investigators in Mechanicsville who I just adored so much. She been taught for a while now and still isn't making any baptismal commitments, but I heard that the Hermanas there made a huge breakthrough with her recently! So we will keep our fingers crossed.


There are just so many people here that are so ready for the gospel. A lot of people in this area live in really humble circumstances. Definitely the most humble I've seen on my mission. A lot of times when people live in such humble circumstances they accept the gospel faster in their lives.


We have a couple of people that are preparing for baptism right now! One is this old guy Juan. He is getting over his coffee addiction and will be baptized on July 12. The other is this way cute girl named Lizeth who will be baptized on July 26. They are both so excited and ready to accept the gospel into their lives. Seeing people embrace this gospel is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


I hope you all have the best week ever!! I love you all so much!!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.

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