Monday, September 15, 2014

What more could I ask for?

What more could I ask for?

 Callie Horton (
Mon 9/15/14 9:15 AM

My dearest family!


Once again, life is so good and wonderful here in Virginia! I just realize more and more everyday how truly blessed I am. What more could I ask for? My companion is one of my best friends, the sisters we live with are also some of my best friends, I have the gospel in my life, and I just don't know what else I could ask for. This world is such a beautiful place and God truly loves us so much. 


There were so many miracles this past week here in Virginia! 21 people were baptized in our mission, there were 5 people in our zone baptized and our zone also set a lot more people on date to be baptized. So our zone leaders send out a text to everyone in the zone every time that a set of missionaries sets someone on date to be baptized. Last Thursday there were so many people set on date! So we were getting a ton of texts. That day was also weekly planning which seriously takes hours and sometimes is a little strenuous. We had just kind of had a weird day with not a ton of success and the sisters that we live with were also having the same kind of day. We came home at about 8 pm that night to finish up the weekly planning that we didn't get done earlier. The Sisters we live with were also doing that. We got home and we were just talking for a minute about the awesome success that our zone had seen that day with setting people on date. Then we started talking about how we want to set someone on date too. Then we just all randomly start getting so pumped up and we decided that we were all going to go back out and set someone on date before the end of the night. There was just lots of high-fiving and chest bumps haha. We were pretty pumped. We also have this sign above the door when we leave the house that says "Conquer or die" (Alma 56:17) so we said a group prayer, hit the sign as we were running out like a bunch of football players, and then we were off into the night. We both impressed to go see our investigator Maria. On the way to her house we were driving past a street and the name of a potential popped into my head. But I decided that we should go and see Maria first and then we'll see the potential. We go to Maria's house and no one answers. So then I say that we should go to the potential's house and my companion said that her name popped into her head as we drove past her street, and I said how I had had the same thought, so we then drove to her house. We had this super awkward experience there and practically scared this guy to death when we were standing on his porch in the dark, and we find out the potential doesn't live there anymore. We still had some time and we didn't know what to do so we started driving and this CVS pharmacy (It’s like Walgreens) that we always go to the bathroom at popped into my head. So we went there and we walked around and there were no Hispanics in sight. We decided to buy a little something so we didn't look so fishy. We went to the cash register and the cashier that is always there when we go asks us if we just got off work. Instantly I was so filled with the spirit because I knew that this was the miracle that needed to happen that night. Cute little Julie the cashier needed to hear about the gospel. So we start talking to her about who we are and we give her a card and invited her to go to She was so sweet. That was basically all that happened. She already goes to a church but was interested in going to the website. But we both walked out just so happy because we knew that she needed to have her first exposure to the gospel that night. We didn't set someone on date, but what happened was what needed to happen. And the Sisters that we live with also saw a miracle. They went to someone's house and got permission to start teaching a less actives son who they previously didn't have permission from the parents to teach. It was just so cool! Miracles are so real! We just need to go out and expect them, and they will always come. Maybe not in the ways we expected, but they will always come. 


We also had a church tour with Lizeth last week that was really good! In the closing prayer she said how she was scared before, but how now she felt comfortable to come to church. She still didn't come yesterday, but she is progressing. Slowly, but still progressing. We're going to have to move her baptism date, but it’s all in God's time. 


God is so good! Don't forget that. And the gospel is true. It is the best thing we will ever have in our lives. I love you all!! Have the best week ever!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.

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