Monday, February 3, 2014

Una Obra Maravillosa
Callie Horton (
Mon 2/03/14 9:02 AM


My dearest friends and family!


I hope that everyone is well and wonderful! How is the weather in Utah? It’s been pretty cold here lately. I'm ready for Spring. But yesterday we got a bright sunny 65 degree day! I was very grateful for it! Such a tender mercy from the Lord. It was only one day, but hey, I'll take what I can get! I'm glad to hear that everything is still wonderful with baby Elijah! I can't wait to meet the handsome fella.


Well I basically love being a missionary! I am sitting here right now trying to remember last week and I can't remember what happened haha but I just remember that my love for being a missionary grew!! Have I talked about Roxana and Ashley and Jonathon before? They are some kids that we are teaching and they are SO awesome!! I love teaching them. They remember so much from what we teach them and they just have such great questions and desire to understand the things that we are teaching. Sometimes they are pretty rambunctious, but it’s been a huge learning experience because we have had to get super creative with our teaching methods. I’ts been a lot of fun! Last week we taught them about following the prophet and we played "Simon Says" but instead it was "The Prophet Says." They are so cute! Kids are so much more on my level of maturity haha. It’s hard though because their mom is learning from another church and she only wants us to teach her kids. She'll kind of listen sometimes but not really too much. So we're just trying to figure out how to get her more on board because they have some serious potential!


We had yet again another amazing lesson with Veronica! We planned again to watch that talk by Elder Holland with her, and we get all of the way to Ashland before we realize that we forgot it! So we were kind of freaking out and we weren't really sure what to teach her and I was just praying so hard that we would know what to teach her. Then the thought to review the plan of salvation came to my mind. So we started teaching that and I asked her what she thought that her purpose in this life was. And she started talking about how when we taught this to her a while ago, she didn't have an answer to that question, but now she felt like she knew the answer. And she just gave such a sincere answer about how her purpose is to follow and love God and to serve others. Even though the decision to be baptized will probably take a while for her to make, I just realized in that moment how far she has come since we began teaching her, and I was so extremely happy that I could be a part of her learning experience.


So something really cool about Spanish is that the meaning of some of the words has helped me to gain a deeper understanding of certain scriptures or things in the gospel. I was reading in the Spanish Book of Mormon the other day and I didn't realize that I was reading from the chapter where one of my favorite scriptures is. The verse is Mosiah 14:5. There were a couple of words that I didn't understand and so I looked them up and that's when I realized what verse I had just read. So in English, the end of the verse says, "and with His stripes we are healed." And the word in Spanish that they use for 'stripes' is 'llagas'. I looked up that word to see the exact meaning and it means, "sore, grief, sorrow." That just made me love the verse even more. Through all of Christ's sores and grieves and sorrows, we can be healed of everything that is hard in our lives. We are only healed through Christ. There is no other way to be forgiven of our sins. And there is no other way to have the help that we need with the burdens in our lives except through Christ. This life is impossible without Him. It is only with his llagas that we are healed. I feel so comforted to know that we CAN be healed.


I love you all so so much! I hope you have a wonderful week! Remember to choose Christ is all you do!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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