Monday, February 24, 2014

I love this stuff‏

Callie Horton (
Mon 2/24/14 9:23 AM

Hey family and friends!


WOW! That's how I feel about missionary work. I love this stuff. My heart is just so full of love for missionary work! How is the world did I get so lucky to be a part of this amazing work? This is definitely something that I want in my life for forever. More and more every week I realize how extremely lucky I am to be a missionary, and I also realize how much I love this work. There is no greater joy than what comes from sharing this important message with people. When we are knocking doors or talking to people I always am sure that I say like 5 times that this message is SO important. Because it is! I am so proud of my family for praying for opportunities to share the gospel with others. It honestly brought tears to my eyes throughout the whole week whenever I would think about it. Keep up the good work you crazy fools!


Our stake had a women’s conference on Saturday about hastening the work and it was so awesome! We got the opportunity to sing the song "As Sisters in Zion/We'll Bring the World His Truth". The best part was that all of the sister missionaries in the stake got to sing the part that the boys usually sing. When we went up on the stand to sing and our part was coming where we started singing "We'll Bring the World His Truth", both me and my companion just about lost it. The Spirit in the room was just so strong and singing that song is like singing my testimony. It was just such a cool experience. We also got to teach the Spanish sisters about sharing the gospel in simple ways every day. It went pretty good! But oh man I made a way funny Spanish mistake. We were talking about how even we as missionaries have to pray to have a desire to share the gospel sometimes. And so I was saying how sometimes we're just really tired, and then instead of saying how we might have hunger, I said that we might have men! In my defense, the words are SO similar! But it was funny. The room full of Hispanic women got a really good kick out of it and then continued to bring it up a couple other times during our presentation haha. It was great.


I love doing less active work! I haven't had a ton of experience with it since we didn't really do that in Mechanicsville, but we do a lot here and its great. We had one of the most amazing lessons with this less active lady this week. We were visiting with her and talking about the Book of Mormon. We read the introduction of it and we were just able to bare really strong testimony of it. We asked her what she was thinking. She just started to talk about how it just really touched her heart and made her feel that she needed to return back to the gospel. She said that when she very first saw us she just felt inside that she needed to return to church. She was just crying so much and she was just so so grateful for everything that we had said to her. She said that she would find her BOM and start reading it again and that she would return to church. She also talked about how she will never forget the sister missionaries that very first shared the gospel with her and she said that now she will never forget us because we helped her come back to church. The Spirit was so strong and Hermana McRae and I were both filled with the love that God has for her. It was so amazing. Helping people come back to church is just as rewarding as sharing it with them the first time.


I hope that you will all have such an amazing week! I love you all and I am so grateful for your support. Have a great week!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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