Monday, March 3, 2014

Let it snow!‏

Callie Horton (
Mon 3/03/14 10:17 AM



Today is a very cold and snowy day! It looks pretty beautiful on the trees, but I am more than ready for the warm weather. This body doesn't like the cold very much.


I was thinking yesterday about what I would email to you guys. Honestly, nothing super grand or amazing happened, except the fact that the whole week itself was just so great overall! I just had so many little things that I wanted to write in my journal about. It all started with last Monday when we had a super fun family home evening with a couple of families in our ward. One of them is a recent convert family and they are just so cute! We talked with them about the temple. The recent convert couple is so excited for when they can be sealed together as a family! The other family bore such strong testimony about the temple. After we were done we were eating some arroz con leche and they all started singing this super great song about it that apparently every Hispanic child learns. Hermana McRae and I haven't been able to stop singing it since then! And after I was talking about how much I loved arroz con leche and one of the members there says, "Now you are a Hispanic." And then his wife added on, "From Guatemala." (Everyone here knows how obsessed I am with Guatemala.) That pretty much completed my life right there. The whole night just went so smoothly and perfectly!


We had a really fun time with this member that we are teaching English to! Every Tuesday we help her with her English. We decided it would be fun to go to Walmart and teach her how to say stuff. So we ate some Subway there and then walked around the store. She brought her little girl who is ADORABLE and now she LOVES Hermana McRae and me. But the member really warmed up to us and was just so funny. She laughs so hard about everything so it was just so great. 


We did a lot of knocking this week. I think I might like knocking and contacting people which I never thought I would, but I think I do! We just get to meet so many great people! But Hermana McRae and I were like magnets for strange people last week ha-ha. We had one guy who went by George Washington and he said he was going to try to fly that day and that he had become the hill. After he told us all of this, we didn't really know what to say, so I just say, "Well you seem like a pretty spiritual guy... so you should check out this website!" We just met the strangest people. It was so much fun! We're having a hard time finding new investigators right now so we are knocking a lot. There are so many Hispanics here, but we just can't seem to find the ones that are prepared, but we are being obedient and working hard and we know that the Lord will bless us when the time is right. 


Yesterday we ate 3 dinners. Yes, 3. Everywhere we went, they just kept feeding us! After the second one I couldn't even stand up. I even said to Hermana McRae, "I think I'm going to die if they feed us at our next appointment." Sure enough, we walk in and the kids are all excited because they made us some homemade pizza. The Lord blessed me and made it so that I was able to eat all of the food. And as a bonus, I could walk and I didn't die! There is no way I could have eaten all of that food except for the Lord's tender mercies to His missionaries ha-ha. It was honestly a lot of fun. Man, this work is so great. 


I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing and magnificent work! I have felt the Lord's love for me so much lately. I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I hope you all have a great week! I love you!!!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.  


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