Monday, March 10, 2014

The Church is true!‏

Callie Horton (
Mon 3/10/14 9:36 AM

Hey all you out there!


So to start this lovely email out, I want you all to know that I ate cow stomach this week. How do I feel about it you may ask? Well, pretty gross to say the least. It tasted just how you might think that cow stomach might taste. It just tasted like stomach and I could barely even stomach it. I seriously like broke out into a sweat at one point and I was sure I was going to lose it all. I couldn't finish it. Hermana McRae finished it like a champ. I was so proud. But at least I can say that I have done it! The next day we were at a members house and she was asking us if we've eaten any food that was weird and so we started to tell her about how we ate cow stomach and how I didn't really like it and she thought it was so funny and kept joking about how she's going to make it for me again haha. And then I had a dream a couple nights ago about how we walked into someone's house and I could smell it and I just started freaking out. Haha. After that dinner I realized that this is why the Lord sent me to a states mission. He knew I couldn't stomach it if I went outside of the country.


This week was a good one! I have just realized even more how much members add to this amazing work. There is a girl in our ward that got home from her mission like a month ago and so she comes out with us all day on Wednesdays. So we are still having trouble finding new investigators, but on Wednesday we were knocking a couple of doors before a lesson and we were able to talk to a couple of people. One of them in particular just let us in before we even said who we were! She was just so open to what we had to say. Unfortunately we had our lesson to get to so we weren't able to stay for too long, but we scheduled another appointment with her and we're so excited because she has some real good potential! And that whole day with the member was just so good! We went to this Peruvian restaurant (PS I love Peruvian food a lot) and the waiter talked to US about religion! We were just able to talk to some really great people that day. Members add SO much to this work! A lesson is always more powerful when we have a member there with us.


We had a zone conference last week that was SO good. We are starting this new thing where we just really teach our investigators about how to keep their commitments. It is by giving them homework. Everything we learned about was just so cool and we are so excited to see the success that comes from putting this into action! But anyways, the whole zone conference was great. At one point, someone was giving us training about studying and people were sharing things that they do to make their studies effective. One Elder shared about how he prays every morning before his study that the Lord will witness to him during his study that this church is true or that these things are true. AKA daily conversion. So I decided to start doing that for myself. Every single personal study since then the Lord has shown me in one way or another that this church is true. It has been a truly incredible experience. This morning it was about the Book of Mormon. Man I love that book so much. Everything truly lies on that book. If that is true, then all of this is true. Another thing I realized is that we constantly need to be trying to receive a witness that it is true and constantly be feeding our testimony of it. I strongly believe that that is one of the main reasons why people go inactive. They stop feeding their testimony of the Book of Mormon. Having a testimony of that book is vital to our salvation. It is only through that book that we will truly know Jesus Christ. That book is such a powerful testimony of Him. I have come to know Him and my Heavenly Father so much through that book. What a HUGE blessing it is in our lives!


I hope that you all know that I love you so much! Have the best week ever! The Church is true!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.

                                         Woodbridge Zone Conference

                                                             (The picture in the middle is vintage Callie)

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