Callie Horton (
Mon 3/31/14 9:28 AM
Hello everybody!
This was a very very blessed one! The Lord really showed
us His love through the success that we had. I just have to say, through
obedience and faith, success comes. We didn't have like a baptism this week or
anything, but we definitely saw the miracles and the tender mercies. Sometimes
we miss those little things along the way if we aren't looking for them, but
they were definitely seen this week.
There is this this ADORABLE less active lady who has been
in El Salvador taking care of her mom the last couple months so last week was
the first time that I met her. All of our plans had fallen through and we were
near her house so we decided to stop by and see her. We had a great lesson with
her about the plan of salvation. Then she came to our English class the next
day. We were so happy that we were able to get her into the church building.
And then the next day she called us just to tell us that she hopes that we have
a great day! It was so cute. All of that in and of itself we were thinking of
as a huge tender mercy. She works on Sundays and she had already told us that
she wasn't going to be able to come to church that week. And then after church
she comes up to us! We were so happy! She was only able to come to the last
hour, but hey, that's better than nothing! Hermana McRae says that she hasn't
been to church since like the beginning of January and there she was! And it
all started with our plans falling through. I am completely positive that
Heavenly Father made that happen so that we could go and visit her. To add on
to that, another less active family that we've been teaching also came to
church and they haven't been in a long time.
So a couple of weeks ago we found this mom and her
daughter while we were knocking. We were definitely led by the Spirit to
go there. So we had had a couple of lessons and they didn’t really seem like
the GOLDEN investigators, but they were nice and seemed to be soaking in the
stuff that we taught pretty well. We have our lessons every Friday with them,
but during the week I felt like we should go and leave them a note on the door.
When we were there, the daughter was just coming home from school so we just
gave her the note, a hug, and told her that we loved her. And then when we were
walking away she yelled, "Hey! I love you guys too!" It was so
precious. So then we were to our lesson on Friday and it was just different.
There was a different feeling there. They told us how since we've been coming
they have been thinking more positively and have just seen a lot of blessings
in their lives. The mom said that she had never thought about going to another
church until we started teaching them. They expressed so much gratitude to us.
And then they invited us to a fiesta the next day which is always a good sign!
And they handled the Book of Mormon so carefully, just the way it should be
handled. It was like they had just received the best gift ever. The Spirit was
there so strongly.
We also have these kids we've been teaching!
They're related to a member in our ward. They are so great. They have
pretty much no religious background and they haven't given a lot of thought to
who God is. All of our lessons have kind of been like you would think any
lessons would go with teenagers that don't really know about God. But both
Hermana McRae and I saw so much potential in them. We knew that if they did
what they said they would do, that these things could really change their lives.
So last time we gave them a Book of Mormon and a chapter to read with some
questions to answer. Kind of like homework. That's what we call it. And then
when we went over yesterday they had done it! And even better, they had helped
each other do it. Their answers were perfect. I was so impressed with the
answers they gave especially considering how little they know about God. And
then they agreed to be baptized!! The smiles on their faces were priceless.
They have to ask their parents before they set a date, but we kind of
tentatively set it for May. It was so great. And then the girl said the prayer
at the end and she asked in her prayer in the Book of Mormon was true. The
Spirit just flooded into the room! I hope she felt it.
The women's broadcast on Saturday was amazing! I had
tears in my eyes for most of it. I just felt so united with all of the women
all over the world, especially with those that I love that were watching it at
the same time. I realized right before that Lillie would be there and I think
that's where the tears began haha. And then when they had all of the little
girls stand up I just lost it haha. I'm so proud of that little human. She's a
Well I hope that you all have a fantastic week! I love
you! The Church it true!
And now I close mine
epistle. I am Hermana Horton.
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