Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm one year old!
 Callie Horton (
Mon 4/21/14 8:58 AM

Hello family!


Well sad news... We got a call Saturday night from our mission president and he said that Hermana McRae would be moving because there is a temple square sister that is going back to temple square soon and he wants her to have a different experience before she goes home so he moved things around a couple weeks before transfers. So she left this morning and I am spending some time with some other sisters until my new companion arrives. It was a pretty sad call and a pretty sad parting, but the Lord knows best so that's what we will do! But she is going to be serving in Mechanicsville! You will definitely be meeting Hermana McRae someday. She has been a pretty huge blessing in my life. But I am excited for the adventures that lie ahead!


We were able to perform in sacrament meeting yesterday! Hermana McRae has an AMAZING voice, so she sang and I accompanied her on the piano. Yep, that's right. I played in sacrament meeting. I never thought I would. But it was great! We learned a song from the production called "Lamb of God" that I have just basically fallen in love with since my mission. It was really fun to learn a new song on the piano and we had a great time preparing for it. There is such an amazing spirit that comes from music. I have realized so much on my mission about how you can express your testimony through music. There is such a special power that comes from music.


I'm pretty sure I told you about the teenagers that we were teaching, but their names are Noelia and Amilcar. They are basically the greatest ever and are some of our most progressing investigators right now. It is CRAZY how much of a change we have seen since the first lesson that we had with them. I wouldn't say they have undying testimonies or anything yet, but they are letting the gospel change their lives and it is such a beautiful thing. They do all of the homework assignments that we have given them and they came to church yesterday for the first time! It was so great to have them there even though it was only for the first hour.


We also have this other investigator names Salvador who came to church yesterday for the first time too! He is this cute little old man from Guatemala. (That's right. The land of my people.) And he loved it! We didn't get a chance to talk to him after, but the member that took him home told us that he asked him if he would pick him up for church next week! What a blessing. We almost lost him as one of our investigators too because we went to his house Saturday evening and he wasn't there and his daughter answered and told us that he had moved to New York to stay with one of his other daughters. We were pretty bummed to say the least. So we got back in the car and we were debating on who we should go see that lives nearby. We decided on someone and said a prayer, but then after the prayer we felt we should go see someone different. So we started to drive and then we see Salvador pull into his street! So we hurry and pull over and run over to go talk to him. Turns out he isn't moving to New York or anything. So we reminded him about church and he is still an investigator! Wahoo! It was just such a miracle because if we would have done anything different or left any earlier, we would have missed him. The Lord is definitely watching out for Salvador!


I hope you all had a great Easter! I am SO extremely grateful for everything that I have learned about Jesus Christ since my mission. And I learned a lot this week about the hope that there is no end. If we do what we need to in this life, we will be able to live perfect and happy lives with our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. And we can do it with our families. There is no greater blessing! This life is such a small part of eternity, but it is so extremely vital that we do all that we can while we're here. My mission has definitely affected the way that I will live the rest of my life. I can't believe it will be a year this week!! That is SOOO crazy. And scary.... But what a fabulous year that it has been! I am forever grateful. Well I love you all so much!! Stay cool and preach the gospel.


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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