Monday, April 28, 2014

Virginia is the Place for me!
My dear family and friends,


My new companion is Hermana McBride. She is from California. I love her so much already! We are already having so much fun. She speaks magnificent Spanish. I'm really excited for our time ahead together! I've already learned so much from her.


This week was SO GREAT. There is this lady who has been visiting our ward for a couple of months to take care of her son who broke his leg. She has also been taking care of her 11 year old granddaughter whose name is Vanessa. Hermana McRae and I went and had dinner with them about a month ago. On Easter, Vanessa came to church with her grandma. At the end, Vanessa came up to me and asked me for an English Book of Mormon. She also told me about the cool things that they learned in primary. She also shared how she said her first prayer out loud that day and she was just so excited about it. And her grandma told me how she wants to start taking the lessons from us, so we set up an appointment to go over that week. So we went over to their house and ate some delicious Peruvian food but we thought we were going to die because it was our second dinner that day. Anyways, we were talking during dinner and I cannot even believe how excited she is about the gospel. She expressed to us how she wants the gospel in her life so bad and she can't wait to be a member. I wish I could bottle up the feelings of love and of the Spirit that were felt while we were at their house. So we talked about baptism over dinner and we set her for May 31st!! She is so cute! Her grandma teaches her so much about the gospel and she remembers everything so well. When we started teaching about Joseph Smith, she said, "Oh Jose Smith! I know this one!" And then she tells us as much of the story as she remembers. While we were in that lesson I had one of those "This is why I am here" moments. This girl is one of the reasons that I am here in Virginia and why I am here in Woodbridge. I felt it so strongly. When we left, we were telling her that we loved her and she was just like, "You guys are real special for me." I just walked out with tears in my eyes. And then at church yesterday, the grandma told us through her tears that this would be her last week here and that she needed to return to Indiana. We can't even believe how fast we got attached to these people! There were lots of tears shed by everyone. But she told us that we had to take good care of Vanessa and I don't know how we wouldn't because we already love her so much! There is a tough road ahead for Vanessa but she is so special. The Lord knows her desires and will help her.


Sorry I spent so much time explaining that, but it was just one of the highlights of my mission!


So apparently when you play in sacrament meeting everyone and their dog wants you to play the piano for things. I played at a viewing and funeral for someone and also at a baptism. And then someone in the primary told me that she would like me to play the piano in primary sometimes. I think this is the Lord's way of getting back at me for not telling my seminary teachers that I could play the piano. Well, better late than never! But I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my talents.


I hope you all have a wonderful week! There are so many people here that pray for you. I hope you can feel it. I love you all!!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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