Monday, August 25, 2014

Another week in the record books

Another week in the record books

 Callie Horton (
Mon 8/25/14 8:59 AM

Hello dearest loved ones!


I can't believe how nice the weather has been here lately! We have had a pretty nice Summer. Not too many excruciatingly hot days. This morning was nice and fresh. Felt like a Utah morning. But the mosquitoes have been pretty nasty the last couple weeks. We all have some nice battle wounds from having too many mosquito bites. 


This past week was a great one! We had Spanish meeting last Tuesday and we learned lots of great stuff that we brought miracles as we have been applying it. And then last Friday we had a zone conference with Elder Andersen from the Seventy. It was so good! He and his wife are so cute. One of my favorite things that I learned was that he talked about the pride cycle. He drew a circle on the board and around the circle he wrote these words in this order: Pride, offend Spirit, failure, humility, invite Spirit, success, and then right back to pride. He told us that we won't be humbled after failure if we get angry and that we won't get prideful after success if we have gratitude. Sometimes being successful and humble are hard to have together, but it is definitely possible with humility. He also had a fireside that night with new members and investigators that we were able to go to. He talked about some of the things that we do as missionaries and some crazy things that we go through. He also taught the restoration. It was so cool! The Spirit bore witness to my heart again that the message of the restoration is true. I just love the power and simplicity of the restoration. It is such a beautiful story.


We were knocking doors this past week and we found this lady named Maribel. We were having this really great lesson and I was teaching about the Atonement and she started to cry. I just felt so grateful that it touched her heart! It just feels like so many times we tell people the wonder and happiness of the Atonement and it just completely goes over their heads. So then she went on to tell us about a dream where she was choking and she had to go to the hospital. One of the doctors there was Christ and he was telling her that her and her husband needed to follow Him. So she now realizes that that is what she needs to do in her life. Towards the end of the lesson her husband came home. It turns out that they had been to church once before and that they know one of the members in the ward! The husband works a lot on Sundays, but hopefully they will start coming soon.


Lizeth is still doing great! We had a lesson about baptism last week and we went over the baptismal interview questions and now she wants to learn more about sin and repentance. We're still having a hard time getting her to church, but besides that she is doing awesome!


I hope you all have a fabulous week! The Church is true! I love you!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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