Wednesday, August 20, 2014

From the land where we say "y'all" and "hola"

From the land where we say "y'all" and "hola"

Mon 8/18/14 8:50 AM



I hope you all had a great week! This past week was weird, but great. We felt so exhausted yesterday and we felt like we had done so much and then we looked at all of our numbers for the week and we were pretty surprised. It’s just proof that numbers definitely don't show everything. We had some really great service time though. We are helping this one member of our ward with family history every week. Last week we entered her first family name into the temple and she was just crying. It was a pretty precious moment. It almost made us cry because we just had this moment like, "Seriously though, this is so cool what we are doing here!" Family history work is the best. I have been on familysearch a couple of times lately and I have noticed how basically all of our family history work has been done... Oh well. I'll find a way to contribute to our family history! 


Lizeth is still progressing really well! She read in the scriptures last week which is a definite improvement. She is so cute. With our first lesson with her we brought her cookies so then for the next lesson she brought us chips and dip. She loves baptism as well. It’s so cool. We gave her one of those "Stories of the Book of Mormon" books and she was looking through it and pointing out all of the pictures of baptism. And in one of her prayers last week she was saying how she was lost and confused before, but now she has found the path to return to Heavenly Father. We're having a hard time getting her to church, but she'll get there. She also changed her date to September 27 because her cousin is having a birthday party on the 20th. We're just glad that she is thinking ahead so much.


So I talked a little bit about the Pico family last week. They are a less active family that is being reactivated. And their little boy Matthew was baptized yesterday! He's 8. It’s been so fun getting to know the Pico's! I just really came to love them a lot this last week and I'm not really sure why, but they're so great! And Matthew was being so funny at his baptism. He was just walking around everywhere super bent over and just saying "I'm nervous. I'm nervous." He also had a couple of moments where he was just lying on the ground, either sprawled out or in a ball. He's a crazy little kid. We love him a lot. 


Life is great here! I love Hermana Dangerfield a lot. We're just having lots of fun. Everything from speaking in British accents, to singing opera to MoTab, to playing this cup game before we go to bed, to playing soccer while we're running in the morning, to just constant laughter. She's a great one. I hope you all have a very wonderful week! Make it a fun one! I love you!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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