Monday, October 20, 2014

"This is my life and my ligh, my joy and my salvation"

"This is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation"

Callie Horton (
Mon 10/20/14 9:17 AM

To whom it may concern:


What an amazing week. Honestly one of the best of my whole mission! God was so good to us. We taught more lessons last week than we have any other week since I have been in this area, and we had the help of so many members. It was such a wonderful thing! We had another amazing lesson with Maria! We talked about a little bit of the plan of salvation and she just got it so well. We were able to get a member there with us and they connected so well. Always grateful when that happens! She is just such a great one.


We also had such an AMAZING lesson with Juan again. He is so golden!! We taught about the plan of salvation. When we asked him where he wanted to go he told us that he wanted to go to the celestial kingdom because he wants to be with his family for forever. Then Hermana Pico piped in and she told him that he has to get baptized first. So we asked him what he thought about that. Then Mia her daughter says, "I want to say the opening prayer!" Our initial reaction was, "Mia we're not done! You can pray at the end." But then she said, "No, for his baptism!" Well if that doesn't tug on your heart strings than I don't know what will! So then he just thought so hard about it and he agreed!! Wahoo! Then this part is funny... We were like, "Ok, let's set a goal and make a date." We said it in Spanish, and her 14 year old son Michael says, "What's that?" So we say, "A date." And he looks down and just gets so red in his face. Then the 8 year old Matthew says, "Wait, like where we kiss and stuff?" Hermana Dangerfield and I lost it. It was HILARIOUS! So then we explained what we were actually talking about. And Juan agreed to be baptized on November 15!! At first when we asked about Nov. 15, one of the kids said, "You should do it on January 12 so he can be baptized on his birthday!" And in perfect unison Hermana Dangerfield and I looked at him and said, "No!!" Come on. That's way too far. But luckily, he agreed for November 15! Juan is seriously so so golden. He's worried about going to church without the right clothes, but he'll make it over that. 


I seriously can't believe that this time has come. I have found a lot of comfort this week from a quote by President Uchtdorf. He said, "There are no such things as endings, just everlasting beginnings." It’s so true! This wonderful, amazing, sacred time in Virginia was my MTC for the rest of my life. My mission has been the best thing in my life up to this point. Probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the best. I plan to let the rest of my life be shaped by what I have learned and who I have become from my mission. I know that it will affect every aspect. There is this one song that we always listen to that says, "We are not done yet." It was the theme song for last week. And I know that there is still so much missionary work to do when I get home. I love being a missionary. I love it so much!! And I love it because I love serving my Father and my Savior. They do so much for me; the least I can do is help to gather their sheep. I truly know that missionary work is one of the most important things that we can do in our lives. We will not fall away if we are constantly engaged in the work of salvation. I love this gospel so much. With all of my heart. The title of my email is from Alma 26:36. That has become one of my favorite verses. This gospel truly is "my life and my light, my joy and my salvation." Nothing brings me more joy! It’s going to be hard leaving beautiful Virginia and all of the Hispanics here. I had a hard time in the closing song during sacrament yesterday because I realized how much I am going to miss all of those tone-deaf Hispanics so much! They always sing with all that they've got. They have taught me so much. So much love and so much humility. But it’s ok, because there are great adventures ahead! Here we go!!


I love you soo much!!!! See some of ya'll soon!!!!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.


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