Monday, October 13, 2014

We're on the sprint

We're on the sprint

 Callie Horton (
Mon 10/13/14 10:25 AM

Hello hello!


What a great week!! I just feel so blessed! A lot of prayers were answered this week. First off, our investigator Maria set a baptism date of November 15! We had this amazing lesson about the spirit. We went in and planned to talk about the plan of salvation but the Lord had different plans. She had been reading in the Book of Mormon (that in itself is a miracle), but she expressed to us how she didn't know how she was going to receive her answer. So we spent the whole lesson talking about the Spirit. We asked her in the lesson how she felt. She told us that she felt different, so I asked her if it was a good different or a bad different. Luckily, it was a good different. She then went on to tell us about an experience in her life when the Spirit had talked to her, but she didn't know what it was. We were able to testify to her that we knew it was the Spirit. It was just such a cool lesson! Definitely the best one that we have had with her. And at the end of the lesson she agreed to be baptized. 


Another miracle was with Juan, the boyfriend of Hermana Pico. We knew before the lesson that we needed to invite him to be baptized, but we had no idea how we were going to do it since the spotlight hadn't really ever been on him, and we didn't want to single him out and make him feel bad for being the only one not baptized. So we went into the lesson and I know that the Lord's hands were in every detail of that lesson. We started out talking about the Book of Mormon. We asked them about some of their favorite verses. Matthew says that he wants to share his. (He's the 8 year old that got baptized not too long ago.) Flash back: A couple of months ago Matthew had to give a talk in primary about baptism so we went over and helped him prepare it. We chose one of our favorite scriptures on baptism for him to share. So now this is the only scripture in his BOM that he really even knows about, and also the only one marked with a sticky note. So flash forward to our lesson and Matthew wants to share his favorite scripture which is the one on baptism. Perfect set up for us to start talking about baptism! We then start talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the things we had to do. We are still wondering how we are going to smoothly ask him about baptism and then a marvelous thing happens; the Spirit of the Lord takes over. I was blessed with the words of the Spirit and was able to ask him to baptism in a way that didn't seem like we were trying to single him out or anything. He goes on to talk about how he grew up Catholic and that he didn't want to leave what he grew up with. But then Hermana Pico shares her conversion story. It was so powerful! The testimonies of members in lessons are always the best. He then said that he would be baptized if he found out these things were true! And he said that he wanted his own BOM to read. So we gave him one and he instantly wrote his name in it. And then at the end of the lesson Hermana Pico asked Juan if he would pray and he said that he didn't know how. So Matthew comes up and teaches him. It was one of the most special experiences. It is just so amazing how the Lord truly loves us so much and will always help us when we need it. The Picos are just so great! One of the best part-member family lessons I've been a part of. 


This week is going to be a good one. I can feel it! We have set a lot of high goals and we are excited to see the miracles. I know they will come. I hope you all have a great week! Make it the best. I love you all!!


And now I close mine epistle. I am Hermana Horton.



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